Page 2 - Escalators and Moving Walkways
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As the UK’s largest independent lift, escalator and cradle business, we are proud of the longstanding and successful background we have in installing escalators and moving walkways for both new and replacement projects.
The range of escalators and moving walkways Jackson provides includes standard, bespoke and external solutions for a wide range of environments and duty requirements. They are fully compliant with all UK regulatory standards at the time of installation.
    Basic specifications for Jackson escalators and moving walkways:
› Height range: 2 to 10 metres
› Inclination (Escalators): 30 and 35 degrees
› Inclination (Moving walkways): 10, 11 and 12 degrees
› Inclination (Walking Path): 0 to 6 degrees
› 600mm, 800mm or 1000mm step widths
› Cladding in electrostatic paint, stainless steel, glass and special solutions
› OMS (German Brand) motor and gear
› Semperit brand hand rails
› Kettenwulf (German brand) drive chains
Keeping our customers moving since 1979 2

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