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Hydraulic lift modernisation at a Care Home for people with special needs in South Shields
Generally when we think about care homes, our first thought will be care for the elderly, however there is also a wider need for people of all ages who need 24-hour care, many of whom have learning and physical disabilities. Across the UK, there are various organisations and associations that support these needs. For one care provider with multiple locations, it was time to modernise an existing hydraulic lift in their South Shields residential home, a 24-hour facility for up to 18 adults in two purpose-built buildings.
The lift was becoming unreliable, which is a problem in a home for people with mobility difficulties. As a result, Jackson was asked to estimate the costs to modernise the lift, which required a visit by one of our local Sales Engineers working from our Newcastle offices to undertake a lift survey.
Following on from our visit, Jackson submitted a budget estimate with recommendations in a tender format for consideration and shortly after, we received confirmation to proceed with the lift modernisation.
The modernisation required Jackson local engineers operating from our Newcastle offices to remove the old hydraulic system and lift controller, rewire the shaft, and install a new energy-efficient hydraulic lift package, which included a new hydraulic valve and lift controller. The modernisation will result in improved lift performance and lower energy consumption.
Prior to starting the work, we spent time with the onsite management team to ensure minimum disruption or concern was caused to the residents, some of whom have learning disabilities.
With the modernisation completed, we fully tested the lift and placed it back in full service for the home’s residents and staff.